There are Coca Cola trucks and supermarket elves, but perhaps the most sporting ad that has become something of a tradition is that of Elvery’s Intersport and this year’s is our Daily Video having been released on screens over the weekend.

Jack is writing to Santa hoping for the best in a year that has been different…

“It’s been a rubbish year for us Sportsmen. And Women.”

“Even though we trained really hard we weren’t even allowed play many games.”

“And sometimes when we did, we didn’t even get picked.”

“But next year will be better, right.”

“And I can’t wait to pull on the green, or this green, or a bit of blue, or whoever will have me.”

“So this Christmas I don’t want much. I just want to get out and do my best with my friends.”

“Oh, Mom says I could do with some new boots. These are my Brothers and they hurt my toe a bit.”

“Be safe out there Santa.”


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