Following the launch of their ‘Altogether More Human’ brand platform in October and their ‘Moving With You’ mortgage platform in December, PTSB has now released ‘The Human Behind the Athlete’, a campaign profiling the title sponsorship of both the Irish Olympic and Irish Paralympic teams.

The campaign is based on the insight that most of us look upon our athletes as if they were superhuman, with their only role to go out and represent Ireland.

As title sponsor for both the Irish Olympic and Irish Paralympic teams, PTSB’s understanding of what these athletes go through runs deeper.

They recognise that behind every athlete, there’s a human who started it all, who gets up every morning and faces every challenge head on, even when it feels like the odds are against them. The film tells the story of the weight of expectations and pressures that our athletes experience each and every day, right up to the moment they compete.

Driven by insight from both Olympic and Paralympic athletes, the content features Kellie Harrington, Rhys McClenaghan, Paul O’Donovan, Fintan McCarthy, Nicole Turner and Jordan Lee who are among eleven PTSB ambassadors representing Team Ireland at the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Paris 2024.

The campaign shines a light on what an average training day looks like for the athletes, showing the hard-work, dedication and commitment they show every day in order to represent Ireland on the world stage.

The campaign was created by Publicis Dublin, produced by Motherland and shot by renowned writer and director Cameron Thuman, who previously has worked on campaigns for Mercedes-Benz, the Olympics, Air Canada, and is a two-time Cannes Lions nominee.

“The sponsorship of both the Olympic and Paralympic teams for the Paris 2024 Games is one of the largest sponsorships ever undertaken by PTSB,” said Ger Mitchell, CHRO and Corporate Development Director at PTSB .

“As we move closer to the Games, we are stepping up activity to further highlight our support of Team Ireland. Our Olympic and Paralympic heroes are going to be highly visible as PTSB ambassadors on AV, Print, Social Media, OOH and across our 98 branches in every community across the country.”

“This is one of those incredible opportunities where we get to work on such a unique sponsorship, but more importantly, we really wanted to represent our athletes in a way that they deserve,” added Ger Roe, Board Creative Director of Publicis Dublin.

“Working with the brand for a long time, it was easy to see how this is such an amazing sponsorship fit, because the team at PTSB really pride themselves in having a much more human-centric approach to everything.”

“In the storytelling, it’s important for everyone to understand just what our athletes go through, on our behalf, so we as a country can recognise that and support them just as much as PTSB does.”


PTSB, The Olympic Federation of Ireland and Paralympics Ireland are among the nearly 300 organisations that are members of the Sport for Business community.



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