Leinster and Ireland rugby player Sean O Brien returned to his Rugby Club roots with Tullow recently for the announcement of the new www.myclubfinances.com’s free communications app.

Communication is one of the key challenges facing Ireland’s estimated 12,500 sports clubs and the new app aims to deliver budget savings of as much as €2 Million a year.

“I’m still very much involved with my local Tullow Rugby Club and attend as many games as possible and offer advice from the sideline,” said O’Brien.

“Tullow has certainly seen the benefits www.myclubfinances.com’s online services have brought to the administration of the club and the new app is going to help our volunteers, treasurer and secretarial roles even more. it’s a great tool for all voluntary clubs, not just Rugby Clubs.”

Founded in 2009 by Galway Businessman and Connemara native, Warren Healy, www.myclubfinances.com has built a professional and highly efficient suite of online tools delivering the best online results for club administration, the collection of membership fees, future fundraising initiatives, communications and online lotto.

“We’ve seen at first hand when a club makes the decision to transition from the traditional methods of club administration to using www.myclubfinances.com’s cloud-based system, the club’s revenue and membership grows, while time management is increasing more efficient leading to volunteers having more time to ultimately volunteer and enjoy the development and successes of their club”, said Healy.

“This new communications app is as a direct result of club’s feedback and we’ve made a conscious decision to straddle it’s availability across mobile technology while ensuring that it’s fully in sync with our ecosystem and the web version to meet the demands of both urban and rural based clubs”.

My Club Finance has offices in both Galway and Dublin with a team of 14 people in a growing company which is providing advanced technology solutions to the club sector of sports and charity organisations that are a crucial fabric of society for all age groups.

Sport for Business will be working with My Club Finances and others on a number of new initiatives within grassroots sport in 2018.

In 2018 Sport for Business will host 20 events linking sport and business in ways that make a difference to how we all do such a great job, as well as producing our Daily News Digest covering the commercial world of Irish sport.
